The Village of Williamsville is accepting sealed bids for a renovation project on the Williamsville Community Center, located at 141 West Main Street, Williamsville. For a copy of the Project Manual and bidding information, contact the Village Hall at 217-566-3806. Project manual and bidding information can also be picked up at the Village Hall during normal business hours. Bids due on August 28th at 1:00 p.m. at the Village Hall, 141 West Main Street, Williamsville, IL. The Village of Williamsville reserves the right to accept or reject all bids.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Notice is hereby given that there will be a public hearing at the Williamsville Village Hall on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. to hear two requests for variance. The first request by Margaret Kelly, property located at 225 East Harpole for a variance to allow construction of a Garage with a distance from the property line of six feet as opposed to village ordinance which states, a building or structure cannot be located within ten feet of the side property line. The second request by Matthew and Jill Giacomini, property located at 109 E. Conrey for a variance to allow for an eight foot tall privacy fence as opposed to village ordinance which states, a fence cannot be more than six feet in height. Richard Rump, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals ![]()
February 2025